Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for Detoxification
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in Georgia
- McIntosh Trail Community Servs Board Substance Abuse Outpatient Services
- McIntosh Trail MH/MR/SA Services Katharos
- Medical College of Georgia Hospital and Clinics
- Mental Health/Alcohol and Drug Outpatient Services
- Metro Treatment of Georgia LP Northwest Georgia Treatment Center
- Metro Treatment of Georgia LP Northwest Georgia Treatment Center
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare Quest
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare Crisp Outpatient Services
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare New Beginnings
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare Substance Abuse Outpatient Program
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare Transitions/Children Servs
- Middle Flint Behavioral Healthcare
- Middle GA Adolescent Residential Ctr
- Miller County Mental Health
- Mothers Making a Change
- Nelson L Price Treatment Center
- New Horizons MH/MR SA Comm Serv Board/Womens Prog
- New Horizons Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Services
- New Horizons Passages
- New Horizons Substance Abuse Day Services
- New Horizons Passages
- New Learning Center
- Newport Detox Center Inc
- Newport Detox Center Inc
- Northside Hospital Substance Abuse Center/Northside Recovery Center
- Oconee Center Addictive Disease Services
- Oconee Center Addictive Disease Services
- Odyssey Family Counseling Center
- Ogeechee Behavioral Health Services
- Ogeechee Behavioral Health Services
- Ogeechee Behavioral Health Services
- Our Common Welfare Inc
- Pathways Carroll County Substance Abuse Center
- Pathways Center Meriwether County
- Pathways Center Troup Mental Health
- Peachford Behavioral Health Systems
- Phoenix Center Behavioral Health Servs
- Phoenix Center Behavioral Health Servs
- Phoenix Center Behavioral Health Servs
- Pineland MH/MR/SA CSB Womens Place
- Pineland MH/MR/SA CSB Womens Place
- Plasmetics Inc Apollo Addiction Recovery Center
- Plasmetics Inc Apollo Addiction Recovery Center
- Private Clinic North
- Private Clinic North
- Ridgeview Institute Adult Addictions Medicine Services
- River Edge BHC Addictive Disease Outpatient Program
- River Edge Project Connect
- River Edge Project Connect
- River Edge Project Connect